Sep 282006

I read a great post today on a post over on DailyKos. I get the feeling that Markos is of the opinion that third party candidates are a waste of time because they can’t get the support and don’t have the infrastructure that the Democrats already have. This is a practical point of view, but the post over on This Modern World points out why this is a problem. You end up supporting a bunch of people who aren’t willing to take a stand regardless of the consequences. It’s an old song and dance. The framers of the constitution never intended there to be “career politicans”. Who the hell would want to be one? It’s supposed to be a service to your fellow citizens and your country, not a career in and of itself. I feel an extended rant coming on, but it’s just so frustrating.

I’m also annoyed on a state level. We’ve got a four-way race for governor this year. I can’t stand Rick Perry. He’s a known prick and hasn’t done a damn thing as far as I’m concerned. As I’ve mentioned, I can’t vote for Strayhorn for several reasons, chief among them, the fact that she spawned Scott McClelland. I had a passing interest in Kinky. I agree with him on certain issues, but not on others. The recent trashing from Burnt Orange Report has really put me off though. I totally agree with those who’ve pointed out that the guy’s a satirist and a cowboy satirist at that. Of course he’s going to have said things that, taken out of context, will seem overtly racist. Look at any comedian or satirist who focuses on race or plays a character. I can’t really defend the crackheads comment, but going after old routines seems over the top and shrill on the part of BOR and turns me off of them, and by association the Democrats, as well. At the same time, Kinky can’t be surprised that this stuff is coming back to haunt him. He can’t play the character when he’s trying to run for governor. You can read all of the BOR articles on Kinky for yourself and Kelso’s commentary on the issue.

[tags]thismodernworld, dailykos, kinkyfriedman, burntorangereport, democrat, independent, texas, governor[/tags]

 Posted by on September 28, 2006 at 9:14 am

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